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Harnessing Data to Improve Marketing

September 9, 2016  | By  | 

We live in an era of so much marketing data.  Each time we open an email, make a purchase at a store or online, visit a website or use our devices we are leaving trails of data behind for marketers to collect and use to improve their targeting, customer services and communication.

With many channels and data points, any organization that is marketing or communicating something — and that’s almost every organization in the universe – should be using data (big or small) to improve their marketing efforts. Here are just a few of the ways that data is impacting marketing today.

Improving Content Marketing — For content marketing strategies, big data can provide insights into which content is the most effective at each stage of a sales cycle. It can show you how your investments in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems can be improved and it can suggest strategies for increasing conversion rates and prospect engagement.

Improving Customer Engagement and Responsiveness – Organizations that routinely track and review their marketing data can use it to improve customer responsiveness and gain greater customer insights.  This allows the organization to plan more efficiently and execute strategies that drive relationships.

Increasing customer loyalty — By using data analytics to define and guide customer development, marketers can increase the potential of creating greater customer loyalty and improving customer lifetime value.

Creating more efficient strategies and channel use –  The places where big data can have a significant impact on your strategies — search engine optimization and marketing, email marketing, and mobile marketing. Equipped with some of the newer marketing platforms, organizations can deliver consistent customer experiences across all channels while retaining the personalized nature of their customer relationships.

Realigning the organization from top to bottom-line  – Armed with new customer insights, organizations are realigning their internal teams to serve customers and deliver marketing content in new ways. Data also has bottom-line value in helping to generate new revenue and reduce marketing and operating costs.

Harnessing data is an important part of your marketing program. Regardless if you start small or go big the important step is to start.  How are you integrating data into your marketing program?


Image source: Camelia.boban

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