Professional Testing, Inc.
Providing High Quality Examination Programs

From the Item Bank

The Professional Testing Blog


Intellectual Property

January 28, 2015  | By  | 

The most valuable assets of most certification organizations are intangible. The certification examination, and the credential itself, are the foundation of all credentialing groups. They must be upheld and protected in order to ensure the value of the certification. How does an organization protect this intellectual property? For examinations, test security is essential. However, even with the most secure tests, there is still a risk that questions and content will be exploited. Therefore, it is essential that the tests, and the test item banks, are registered with the United States Copyright Office. The Copyright Office has a special secure test registration process to ensure that a test remains protected. Once a test is registered, it is much easier to protect the exam against infringers.  Additionally, there are cases where people who are not credentialed may fraudulently use the credential name or logo to promote himself or his business.  Along with sending out cease and desist letters to these individuals, all certification marks should be registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).  It is much easier to protect an organization’s marks from potential infringers if marks are formally registered with the USPTO.

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